creative soul care
Would you like to be inspired to tune into your own needs, allow space to be held for you to go inwards to nurture yourself, honour your deepest connections by coming together with other sensitive souls, learn new elemental rituals to be kind to yourself.
I love having the pleasure of being able to create a space for 2-12 people. Please contact me with your intentions.
"Sandi has a gift of tuning in to her clients needs. Her passion for improving lives with essential oils, breath work and meditation is very evident and inspiring. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with her and came away more knowledgable and confident about using essential oils for our own personal needs. Thank you Sandi! Shelly Harkness, Facilitator, Whanganui, New Zealand
Eco therapy retreats
Retreats (1or 3 day) are held sessionally for reflecting and nurturing ones self through nature. Offering the opportunity to be reminded of what it feels like to be safely held and supported, by having your deepest nature honoured. Nature walks, beautiful sacred spaces held for you, food to nourish your soul, movement as meditation for medicine and the personal insights you will be guided to throughout the day is such a beautiful offering to yourself.
"Amazing. Nurturing. Empowering. Something I have not done in seven years, but feel like I want to continue doing more regularly as it has given me so much and opened a well inside me" Social worker, Ballarat
A casual gathering for anyone who would like to come along and connect and colour mandalas in connection with this seasons.
I have found that by holding this space it allows people to practice being apart of group, exchanging community events and cultivating creativity and calmness.
Body Origami supplies the mandalas and a mindful theme to work with each month/season.
And everyone brings along different mediums to share to colour in with.
Keep your eyes, ears & heart open for “Kindness Circles” held for women looking to bring daily selfceare rituals back into the rhythms of their lives.
Nuture your Nature
Individually tailored day retreats allowing the elements of nature to reflect your true nature!
Sacred Space held for the blessings of…
The Mother…birthing circle and rituals
The Maiden…yoni streaming and cycles